Heidi Rasor has Best Gift Yet with first Congress Showmanship win in 18 Years

Heidi Rasor calls Best Gift Yet a 78-year-old woman in a Chanel suit and pearls, since “Honey” likes things done properly, and she rewards you when you do! Watch the fun video interview with #TheEquineChronicle at the #allamericanquarterhorsecongress! ___________________________________________ www.EquineChronicle.com…

Xxtreme and Reid Thomas win the Junior Western Riding Circuit at Arizona Sun Circuit

Congratulations to Reid Thomas Performance Horses and Heidi Rasor, whose horse, Xxtreme, won the circuit in Junior Western Riding at Arizona Sun Circuit! Check out this fun video of Xxtreme and Reid Thomas from EM Design & Photography! ___________________________________________ #TheEquineChronicle…