If Tracy Can’t Come to Her Horse, We Will Take the Horse to Tracy

Anthony Wilson of Wilson Show Horses has been training and showing horses out of the northwest for 18 years. Tracy Shultz has been a customer of Anthony’s since the early days. Sadly, at the last horse show they attended together, in October of 2019, they saw the first signs that her health was failing.

Since that time, Tracy has contracted pneumonia, suffered a collapsed lung, was diagnosed with lung cancer, and needed to be resuscitated after her heart stopped. Obviously, it’s been very difficult for Tracy to make it out to the barn to visit her APHA mare, Sophie, so Anthony brought Sophie to Tracy!

“We coordinated it as a surprise with her husband. I took the trailer down and parked it in their cul-de-sac and brought her carrots and apples to feed to her horse. She is super weak right now and was having a hard time standing up to feed her horse. She told me that we were ridiculous, but she was so very happy. Her husband let me know that it meant the world to her and really lifted her spirits. That’s all we were going for.”

Click here to read the touching story behind this video.

Official American Paint Horse Association